Course directions
non-functional requirements in practice
Business Analysis for experienced specialists
SQL for managers
Practical IT sales course
Practical course on Presale in IT
B2B sales in IT for experienced professionals
Architecture and management of a technical team
Planning, requirements, budget!
Monitoring, changes, completion!
A practical course on Product Management in IT
Unit Economics and product metrics
Rule the designers and maneuver in Figma
Leadership tools for managers
Scrum in real-life practice!
Upcoming courses
Practical course on IT project management
Level up to Senior PM
Planning and budget!
Speak with programmers in their language!
Architecture and management
Practical course on Business Analysis in IT
Monitoring and completion!
We teach everything in IT except writing code. Short programs, only useful skills
Speakers are only practicing experts who share real-world experience
We employ graduates in partner companies immediately after completing the course
Our students don't have time to get bored, but they start missing us and come back to study again
We host free webinars every week for professionals - from Junior to Senior
This course is for those who want to upgrade from Middle PM to Senior ...
Course for PMs with a year of experience. We write the plan, set the ...
Practical course in IT Project Management. We teach how to manage the development team. ...